In 2006, Bill Zebub wrote an emotional horror drama titled “Rape is a Circle” which was his first movie to get into major retail chains. It became one of his best-selling movies.
A millionaire offered a huge budget for a remake, so Bill Zebub pulled the movie from production. However, the deal fell through.
Bill Zebub wanted to remake the movie. He came close when Misty Mundae and Lydia Lael were interested, but he raised money for other projects, and eventually, the script was put on hold until a bigger budget could be raised.
Fans have begged for the lost movie to become available again, which led to the Kickstarter that was launched today. If you want to support this project, please visit and share the hell out of it. The DVD is at a normal price, not the inflated cost that you sometimes see in crowdfunders.
Make some coffee or tea and spend a bit of time savoring the many details and perks.