Don’t Drink the Milk is an erotic horror movie.
You can get this and three other equally depraved movies on the SERIAL KILLER COLLECTION – Blu(e)ray
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The idea for the movie began when Bill Zebub was thinking of ways to re-imagine the rape-revenge genre. if you are a fan of Bill Zebub then you know that he likes to create hybrids that usually irritate genre purists. But they can go watch their sacred movies ten billion more times. Conformity is stagnation.
Mel Heflin and Erica Leigh Boseski have worked with Bill Zebub on a few movies, and immense trust was built. Bill Zebub asked them which boundaries could be pushed and tailored the writing to match what was discussed.
It is difficult to write a synopsis, especially when there is pleasure in letting a nontraditional story unfold. The viewer should go into this with no expectation. Every re-watch will guarantee new clues.
Mel Heflin – Melissa
Erica Leigh Boseski – Erica
Sabrina Michaels – Erica’s Mom
Andrea Hall – Andrea
Steve Nebesni – Steve