Hey! You have until the end of February to propose marriage to Bill Zebub. It’s Leap Year.
Also, you have until the end of February to participate in the Kickstarter for the Bluray of the Director’s Cut. Go here https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/billzebub/nightmare-on-elmos-street and smell my rear. Also, share the fuck out of this. Mention it constantly. Become as irritating as possible, except the balm that will sooth the aggravation is merely a glance at all the goodies in the campaign.
There is a special BD-R option as an additional purchase that has even more behind the scenes, as well as the very first version of the movie.
Also take a look at the shirts and the books that are available.
If you are the kind of person who urinates when you’re excited, be sure to wear a diaper before viewing the campaign.