Bill Zebub is offering DICKSHARK t-shirts for $15 in USA and $20 in most countries. Most sizes available, and yes, they are available in BABY T (S,M, and L). Mugs are $12, featuring Lydia Lael riding the giant shark.
Email bill (at) billzebub (do) com for info.
Wear them to horror conventions and concerts, or wear them in daily life. Despite what you think, they are legal. There may be a Hitchcock phenomenon in some stupid people – they see what is not actually there.
But you should care more about the cool people who will approach you. The shirts are like beacons. You will either encounter a fan who uses the shirt as an instant ice-breaker, or you will get asked what the shirt is about, potentially making a new friend, or wife/husband.
That’s what Bill Zebub shirts do – they bring cool people together.