Kill the Scream Queen

The Synopsis

A serial killer murders the owner of a bar and then hacks a girl’s computer to post casting calls for models for his snuff movie. One by one, the girls arrive without a chaperone. Little do they know that after they are tied up for the scenes, their deaths will be real.


The movie had enormous success in the era before Bluray and before streaming became as prominent as it is these days.

It was slightly re-edited while still in circulation, but eventually, Bill Zebub paused the distribution because he did not want this movie to be a person’s first taste of a Bill Zebub Production.

Eventually, a new edit was prepared for ROUGH PICTURES, and that DVD is still available.

Currently, Bill Zebub is preparing to re-edit the movie in HD for the first time, and to make the new cut much more strange than the original. Much of the killer’s lines will become silent so that the scenes provide more tension. The DVD version will still be in circulation after the new cut will be released, so that fans can compare and enjoy both versions.

If you want to be notified about the crowdfunder for the Bluray, email

Where to stream

You can stream here


Debbie Dee

Deborah Dutch

Kerri Taylor

Yelena Kagan

Heather Forte

Rachel Plaster

Rachel Degenaro

Freddie Dingo

Bill Zebub

The King of the B Movies