Vixen of Virtue

Vixen of Virtue

Some Info

“Vixen of Virtue” began as a slapstick spoof of superhero movies.  Bill Zebub considers superhero movies to be an embarrassment.  why are adults watching stories for children, and why are modern movies perpetuating ignorance of science?

Sabrina Michaels
Sabrina Michaels

While Bill Zebub was patching together notes, he realized that there can be a great tragic story within this environment, and so he decided to stylize this movie and to move the slapstick elements into a project that is tentatively called “Turkeydick Cockpunch” – although the name of the movie might change in order to appease the judgmental.  Audiences and merchants should have already learned that even if Bill Zebub calls a movie “A Penis Enters a Vagina” that it will not be porn.  Philosophy and dialogue are the main focus.

There will be a crowdfunder for this movie, so return to this site often, or Email and request to be put on the list.



Rachel Crow – Vixen of Virtue

Jessica Walach – Telekinetica

Sabrina Michaels – Civilian #1

Andrea Hall – Victim of Timelord

Bill Zebub – Timelord

Jamie Lee Bauern – Fairie

Erica Leigh Boseski – Victim of Evil Clown

Mel Heflin – Victim of Evil Clown #2

Ajna Wisowski – Victim of Evil Clown #3

The King of the B Movies