Bill Zebub

Bill Zebub’s Memoir

Bill Zebub is finalizing his first memoir which is titled “Fanzine Editor, Radio Personality, and Movie Maker” – to be released as a thick paperback as well as an electronic form.

Please Email if you want to be notified of the release date and where it will be available. Please also indicate if you prefer the book or the digital form.

The book is not about praising Bill Zebub – it is more about depicting him as a slapstick character who fails constantly, and any success is an accident that usually leads to some kind of trouble.

You will also discover aspects of metal, making movies, being on the radio, printing a magazine, and other things that might inspire you, or that will make you wonder how Bill Zebub is even alive after all that he experienced.

There was a crowdfunding campaign for this – those participants will get their autographed books before the rest of the world.

The reason for the delay is because of the puritanical idiocy of this era – Bill Zebub has to keep changing his writing tone to appease the censors. He has to explain his jokes and sometimes he has to eliminate passages entirely. It is unfortunate because it is unlikely than anyone other than a fan would purchase this tome, but that is the way of the world right now.

Every effort is being made to make this book reflect the voice of Bill Zebub the entertainer, but perhaps the extra explanation needed for some of the humor might be more amusing.

Future editions, if the world ceases this tendency of polite fiction and social agenda, will be in the original tone and verbiage, but for now we must bend over or not have any sex.
